Commercial and creative writing in English

Commercial and creative writing in English

Do you write a range of English texts and want to give your writing skills a boost? Take our Commercial and creative writing in English course.

  • Improve your writing skills
  • Communication strategies
  • Produce texts with appeal


Commercial and creative writing in English workshop

On the Commercial and creative writing in English course, you will learn all you need to know about writing press releases, news items, web copy and texts for social media. The course combines theory and practice, so that you can immediately apply the knowledge you have gained. You will polish your English writing skills, learn how to write for various media and discover how to put your words down on paper in concise, active and appealing English. Once you have completed this Commercial and creative writing in English course, writing an English text will no longer present any problems for you.


Course contents

  • Writing for a target group: what’s the best approach to take?
  • How do you develop a concept as a starting point for your writing?
  • What tips and tricks can you use when formulating your English text?
  • How do you write concise, active and appealing English?
  • How do you phrase headlines that invite people to read on?
  • How can you integrate your English texts into a marketing plan?

Other English courses

Want to take your English speaking and writing skills to the next level? Check out our other courses:


Dates & location

This course can be taken in-company or as private lessons for one or two people. We will set the number of sessions, dates and location in consultation with you.

The exact cost for a private or in-company workshop will depend on your needs and the size of the group. Would you like to know more? Just fill in our contact form or call us on 020 - 244 3400. We will be happy to make an appointment with you for a free consultation without any obligation.



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Autoriteit Nucleaire Veiligheid en Stralingsbescherming
Gemeente Alkmaar
Amsterdam UMC

