Real Estate English

Real Estate English

Learn to avoid common mistakes in English, and express yourself more fluently and with greater confidence than ever before. Your communication with your international partners will be flawless and professional.

  • Speaking and writing
  • Practical
  • At home in real estate


Real Estate English

Both the real estate sector in general and the housing market in particular are becoming more and more international. Property agents, investors and developers are dealing with more expats and other international customers than ever before. As a real estate professional, it is your responsibility to ensure that you are at the top of your game, in English as well as in Dutch. After all, it would be a shame to lose business due to a language barrier.

Real Estate English training course

Taalcentrum-VU offers a Real Estate English training course tailored to your professional needs. This course will help you acquire the specific verbal and written English language skills you need to boost your professional communication with English-speaking customers and other relevant parties. It includes exercises aimed at practising your English for the real estate sector and you will also be given plenty of useful tips and tricks.

A specialized sector like real estate has its own jargon and terminology. So of course our Real Estate English training course is always tailored to your specific needs. During the course you’ll practice with emails and conversations taken from your own professional setting.

Tip: Are there any extensive reports, quotations and contracts you need in English? Get a professional translator and English native speaker to translate your important documents. This way, you’ll have a solid foundation when providing your services in English.


Verbal proficiency

  • General vocabulary and real estate jargon.
  • Pronunciation and clarity of speech.
  • Role plays: sales pitches, sales talks, presentations.
  • How to deal with cultural differences (courtesy and indirect communication).

Written proficiency

  • Grammar, most important pitfalls.
  • Emails: introduction, body and conclusion.
  • Structure and signal words.
  • Standard formulations for reports or property descriptions.



Yes, you will earn PE points by attending this course. Please register them yourself in Mijn NRVT.

The exact cost for a private or in-company workshop will depend on your needs and the size of the group. Would you like to know more? Just fill in our contact form or call us on 020 - 244 3400. We will be happy to make an appointment with you for a free consultation without any obligation.



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