NT2 for Medical Staff

NT2 for Medical Staff

Dutch as a second language (NT2) for medical staff is a specialized language training course for new employees in the medical field.

  • Communicate clearly
  • Communication strategies
  • Learn relevant terminology


NT2 for Medical Staff

Does your organization employ medical staff from abroad? Then it is only sensible that they should be able to communicate clearly with their Dutch colleagues. Not only from a practical point of view, but also because safety and professionalism are paramount in the medical field.

Taalcentrum-VU has developed a specialized language training course for new employees in the medical field: Dutch as a second language (NT2) for medical staff. Participants will learn to overcome their communication difficulties in the workplace. They will not only improve their proficiency in the Dutch language, but they will also learn to navigate cultural differences with ease. As far as medical terminology is concerned, the emphasis will be on learning the terms that are commonly used in the their specialism.


NT2 for Medical Staff

We always tailor our workshops to your organization’s specific needs based on interviews, intakes and example texts. For example

  • Active listening and speaking exercises.
  • Conversation techniques and cultural aspects of communication.
  • Dutch medical vocabulary (both everyday vocabulary and specialist terminology).
  • Cultural aspects of the Dutch healthcare system.
  • Listening and comprehension skills.
  • Grammar and pronunciation.


Dates & location

We can offer the course in-company or as individual lessons for one or two people. The dates and location will be decided in consultation with you.

The exact cost for an individual or in-company NT2 course for medical staff will depend on your needs and the size of the group. Would you like to know more? Just fill in our contact form or call us on 020 - 598 64 20. We will be happy to make an appointment with you for a free consultation without any obligation.



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Gemeente Alkmaar
Autoriteit Nucleaire Veiligheid en Stralingsbescherming
Amsterdam UMC

