German translations

For high-quality German translations of anything from emails to letters, and from brochures to quotes, choose Taalcentrum-VU’s translation services.

  • German translations by native-speaker translators
  • All types of texts, every professional domain, from and into German
  • Certified German translation agency (ISO 17100)

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German translations

The Netherlands and Germany are important trading partners: Germany is our largest export partner, in addition to accounting for a significant part our imports. When communicating with German business relations, correct and precise language use is often crucial, as they tend to place great value on carefully worded emails, letters, brochures and quotes. Taalcentrum-VU’s ISO 17100-certified German translation services are exceptionally reliable: all of our German translations are of the highest possible quality.

German translation services

Looking for Dutch-to-German or German-to-Dutch translation services? Get in touch with our project coordinators and find out what Taalcentrum-VU can do for your business. As a certified translation agency, we only use translators who are native speakers of the target language. In addition to their thorough knowledge of the language, our German translators are keenly aware of any cultural differences that might exist between the source culture and the target culture, always managing to strike the right tone – whether it’s a letter, quote or brochure, or any other type of text. Our highly skilled professionals produce translations that are flawless, accurate and context-appropriate.

High-end German translations

If you choose to make use of our German translation services, you can rely on high-quality translations that meet all the requirements set out in the European standard for translation services (ISO 17100). This means we follow a fixed procedure in translating your text into German. All of our German translations are done by native speakers of German. After the translation is completed, it is revised by a native speaker of the source language, who conducts one final check to iron out any kinks and inconsistencies. The end result is a reliable, high-quality German translation.

German translations: all types of texts, every professional domain

We provide German translations of all types of texts for every sector and professional domain. Are you looking to have a German medical text, technical text or commercial text translated? Or do you want to have your emails, letters, brochures or even a complete web shop translated into German? From our extensive network, we will select a highly experienced translator whose specialization matches the subject of your text. Larger, more complex projects are in safe hands with our project coordinators too, ensuring a strict adherence to deadlines and a consistently high level of quality. Need a sworn German translator? Amsterdam’s leading translation agency has it covered. Taalcentrum-VU also offers translation services for other languages, including EnglishFrench and Chinese.


Legal translations

Get your professional legal translation from one of our Taalcentrum-VU legal eagles. Call or e-mail our Taalcentrum-VU translation agency for sworn translations of legal texts.

Translating fiction

Taalcentrum-VU’s translation agency specializes in translating novels and stories from and into any language. Get your literary works translated by one of our talented native speakers.

Translation of annual reports

Your annual report translations help you make a great impression on your international customers. Our translation agency is ready to help. We also offer editing services for your source texts.

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