Norwegian translations

Taalcentrum-VU’s Norwegian translation agency only uses professional translators who are native speakers of Norwegian and would be more than happy to advise customers on the appropriate writing style or the right dialect.

  • Reach more than five million people worldwide
  • Always the right dialect for your Norwegian translation
  • Certified Norwegian translation agency (ISO 17100)

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Norwegian translations

There are over five million speakers of Norwegian worldwide. But there is no such thing as standard Norwegian. Different Norwegian dialects are spoken throughout Norway. There are also two standards of writing: Bokmål (‘book tongue’) and Nynorsk (New Norwegian). To find out which writing standard to use, get in touch with our project managers. Taalcentrum-VU is your partner for professional Norwegian translations.

Experienced Norwegian translators

We have been working with experienced Norwegian translators for years. Our translators produce flawless Dutch-to-Norwegian or Norwegian-to-Dutch translations. We also offer translation services in other language combinations. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact our translation project managers. The advantage of working with native speakers is that they can also offer advice on the dialect or writing style that would be most appropriate for your text. Of course, our Norwegian native speakers are also familiar with Norwegian customs and culture. The result: Norwegian translations that are perfect for every situation.

Norwegian translation agency that can handle any text

We have access to a large network of excellent translators who are native speakers of Norwegian. The advantage is that our project managers are always able to find the right translator for your job. A professional with a background in your area of expertise. This unique quality is reflected in all translations by the Amsterdam’s leading translation agency.

Dutch – Norwegian and Norwegian – Dutch translations

Your Dutch-to-Norwegian and Norwegian-to-Dutch translations are in expert hands at Taalcentrum-VU. High-quality translations do not just happen by accident: our Norwegian translation agency is committed to only approving translations that have been thoroughly checked by one of our professional revisors. They are all trained to carefully iron out any inconsistencies and errors left in the text. This quality assurance process guarantees a top-quality Norwegian translation.

Other Scandinavian languages

Any plans to expand into other Scandinavian countries? You should definitely consider having your texts translated into Finnish, Danish and Swedish. All of our Scandinavian translators and professional revisors are native speakers, meaning you will receive flawless Scandinavian translations.


Legal translations

Get your professional legal translation from one of our Taalcentrum-VU legal eagles. Call or e-mail our Taalcentrum-VU translation agency for sworn translations of legal texts.

Translating fiction

Taalcentrum-VU’s translation agency specializes in translating novels and stories from and into any language. Get your literary works translated by one of our talented native speakers.

Translation of annual reports

Your annual report translations help you make a great impression on your international customers. Our translation agency is ready to help. We also offer editing services for your source texts.

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