Blog translations

Have your blog translated and get more international hits. All of our translators are native speakers with years of translation experience.

  • Get more hits with your blog translation
  • Blog translations from and into any language
  • Translations suitable for search-engine optimization

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Blog translations

Your business website is not complete without an up-to-date blog. A great corporate blog attracts extra traffic to your website, improves interaction with your visitors and ensures more repeat visits. Is your website aimed at an international target audience? Get in touch with us for an excellent Taalcentrum-VU translation of your blog. We are here to ensure your blog gets online as quickly as possible.

Blog translations with search engine optimization

Corporate blogs are a great way to get great search engine results. A blog shows potential clients that you offer the expertise they are looking for. You can also emphasize the keywords that you would like to use for search engine optimization. We translate your blog with Google in mind, but mainly with a focus on attracting visitors. Well-written blogs, with a clear and personal style and excellent search engine optimization.

Blog translations into any language

We translate the content of your blog from and into any language. We provide blog translations from Dutch into English or English into Dutch for various customers. Our translation agency has a pool of experienced translators ready to translate your blog into other European languages, including FrenchGerman and Spanish. Your text is always translated by a native speaker of the target language and carefully proofread by a professional revisor.

Editing blog texts

A good translation starts with a good source text. We recommend always having your blog texts carefully checked and edited for style, clarity and accurate use of Dutch. A great source text is the best way to ensure that your translation is perfect for your international target audience. Creating an accurate representation of your blog becomes easier, with less room for error, and your blog will be infinitely more successful.

SEO translations by a professional translation agency

SEO optimized blog texts are great for search engines. We provide SEO translations for your blog entries. The main goal is to create a well-written, readable text for your customers. This way, your SEO translation generates more traffic and a higher conversion rate. We will work with you to create a list of keywords for Google for all of your translated blog entries.

Excellent project management for every blog translation

Would you like to have a few pages translated, or a large corporate blog? Amsterdam’s leading translation agency deals with every translation assignment clearly and efficiently. We stick to our deadlines and consistently deliver quality translations. We use advanced translation tools with translation memories and term bases to guarantee consistency in style and terminology.

Website translations

You need great translations to start attracting international customers. Get your web shop content translated by our specialists. Taalcentrum-VU has decades of experience and only uses native speakers.

WordPress translations

Setting up a WordPress website is the first step and getting your content translated is the next. Our WordPress translations are done by professional translators who are native speakers of the target language and keep the intended readership and purpose of the text in mind.

Commercial and creative writing in English

  • Improve your writing skills
  • Write colourful and concise English
  • Produce texts with appeal

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