Translating fiction
Do you need a translation of your stories, collection of stories or a book? Literary translations are often large-scale projects. Get in touch with Taalcentrum-VU for translations of your literary masterpieces. We have years of experience in literary translations. Publishers, organizations and writers themselves request our services for translations that reflect the quality of the original text.
Extensive experience in literary translations
Works of fiction are translated by literary experts. Thanks to our large network of literary translators, our project managers will always find the right translator for your story or book. Our literary translators all have a unique sense of style, a creative way of solving complex translation problems and the ability to allow the literary quality of the source text to shine through in the translation. Get in touch with Taalcentrum-VU’s translation agency for book or story translations from and into any language.
Translating fiction: would you like a test translation first?
Literary translators know how to strike exactly the right tone and use the right style. Close cooperation between clients and translators is an important part of the process. What vocabulary and tone of voice are suitable for your text? If you wish we’d be happy to provide you with a test translation first. Based on the translation of several pages from your novel or story, we can discuss clear and workable agreements for the entire translation process. You can give us your feedback to help steer the translation in the right direction.
Translations of books and stories by multiple authors
Do you require a translation of a book by multiple authors, such as an extensive literary text or a work of non-fiction? Do you need us to take the combination of text, image and design into account? We will ensure a consistent translation of every section of your story or book. Our project managers are happy to help, and are experts at finding the right professional translator for your literary project.