Translating manuals
Do you need a translation of a product manual, documentation or a software manual? Taalcentrum-VU expertly translates every manual from and into any language. Translated manuals come in handy for new foreign hires and increase staff safety.
Top-quality manual translations
Your manual deserves an excellent translation. After all, the quality of your manual greatly influences user product satisfaction. It does not matter how great your product is; expect to receive complaints if the quality of your translated manual is sub-par. Taalcentrum-VU’s translation agency quickly delivers reliable top-quality manual translations in clear language with a consistent use of the appropriate terminology.
Translators with manual translation experience
Taalcentrum-VU has access to translators with specific expertise in the area of translating manuals, such as technical translators, translators with IT specializations and medical translators. They are familiar with the requirements for writing instructive texts: clear, unambiguous and user-friendly language. Glossaries, term bases and advanced translation tools allow our translators to ensure your manual translation is accurate and consistent. As our translation software keeps track of industry-specific and customer-specific terminology, consistency is maintained within your text and between similar manuals.
Efficient translation of your manual using translation memories
Manuals, instructions for use, installation instructions and other similar documents usually contain a lot of repetition: passages with minor differences, repetitive text and fixed terminology. We provide efficient and consistent translations using translation memories. These TMs compare translated text to previously translated segments and checks for similarities or overlap. Translators use this information as the building blocks for your translation. TMs save time and money.