English pronunciation course

English pronunciation course workshop

Would you like to improve your English pronunciation? Take our English pronunciation course and communicate more clearly and credibly with your international contacts.

  • Perfect pronunciation
  • Practical tips and exercises
  • No more misunderstandings


English pronunciation course

What can you do if you regularly speak English at work, but you’re not very happy with how you sound? Or perhaps you are not always sure that people really get the message when you converse in English? Are there sounds that you regularly struggle with? Sign up for our English pronunciation course and address all of these issues. Improved pronunciation will enable you to communicate more clearly and credibly with your international contacts. Get your message across and avoid misunderstandings!

Improve your pronunciation in English

On this course, you and your fellow participants will take an active approach to improving your English pronunciation. You will focus on the most common pronunciation problems for non-native speakers. The active nature of the course means that you will soon get to grips with the aspects of English pronunciation you need to improve. We will also provide you with useful tips and tricks to optimize your English speaking skills.


Course contents

  • The ten most common English pronunciation problems for non-native speakers.
  • Practising with examples from your own working environment.
  • Group-based listening and pronunciation exercises.
  • Tips and tricks to optimize your English speaking skills.

English pronunciation: take-home exercises

  • Whether you speak to your business contacts on the phone or via Skype, improving your English pronunciation is essential to avoid misunderstandings. You obtain the best results by practising your pronunciation. That’s why we provide take-home exercises as part of the course. From the very first session, your teacher will give you English pronunciation exercises. These will be dealt with in the second session, so that you can immediately hear how your English pronunciation is progressing.

Other English courses

Want to take your English speaking and writing skills to the next level? Check out our other courses:


Dates & location

This course can be taken in-company or as private lessons for one or two people. We will set the number of sessions, dates and location in consultation with you.

The exact cost for a private or in-company workshop will depend on your needs and the size of the group. Would you like to know more? Just fill in our contact form or call us on 020 - 244 3400. We will be happy to make an appointment with you for a free consultation without any obligation.



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